Friday, November 12, 2004

Comedy of Errors

Singing and eating. These are two of my many passions in life.

Oh, and I also love seeing old friends.

And for one night, I had all these things mixed up and had one hell of a night!

My college buddies and I met up last Saturday. We haven't seen each other since time immemorial...oh, all right,
since last march, at least for Bex, and since dec 2002 for Norie. I was like so thrilled to see them again, and nothing much has changed. But Norie, she looked lighter than she did and she admitted to using Ponds (hooray for Ponds!)

As for Bex, well, she's still thin and that's because she's got her hands full what with her teaching profession and her MA studies. Gosh! She surprises me sometimes with her dedication to everything she's doing. Way to go, girl!

And as for me, I looked fatter than I did before, according to them. It disheartened me to know that I am still on the chubby side. Then, I realized, I haven't really been dieting soI shouldn't be surprised, right? Oh well, I must have some short-term memory loss.

Anyways, we had a blast! First, we had dinner at Gerry's Grill. The food was great, as usual but the service was a bit slow. Also, the place was jam packed and we can see waiters and waitresses running around for errands. Our orders finally arrived and we were silent for a moment to relish the sumptuous food served to us.

Everything has been going well. Stories were exchanged as well as updates on our lives.

That was until I came up with the idea of taking pictures.

Well, since everybody was like preoccupied, I decided to just use the timer feature of my digital camera and take a picture. There was this tissue holder which would do fine so I can like place the digicam on top of it. But then, it needed to be supported. I was looking at our table and noticed a soy sauce bottle. Hmmm
. I placed it behind the tissue holder and tried to make the digicam stand and it worked.

In short, I was finally able to take a picture.

Bex, on the other hand, said I almost covered her face with my uber round cheeks, so I said, "Fine, I'll take another picture."

So I did.

I made the same adjustment on my digicam. Placed it again on the same spot and took the seat beside Bex.
To my horror, the digicam slid from its place and fell to the ground! The soy sauce bottle followed suit with a loud thud and its contents spilt to the floor!

I shouted so loud and flapped my arms endlessly.
I didn't make sense, I know.

Everybody was quiet and I felt all eyes on me. I was so embarrassed.

Nobody dared move. After what felt like eternity, a waitress came and picked up the bottle and placed it on the table.

After that, I finally came to my senses.

My digicam was nowhere in sight. Norie found it under the table and the batteries under her chair.

Everybody went back to their own businesses.

I hadn't thought about my digicam yet and in fact, I asked the waitress if I broke anything and subsequently, if I need to pay.

Luckily, the bottle was made of durable stuff. It was still intact. Whew!

Then, I suddenly thought of my digicam! Oh God, please! Let it not be broken!

Norie gave it to me. I put the batteries and turned it on.

Voila! It worked!

Sheesh! For a while I was worried there. Well, my digicam is cheap, mind you. But then, I'd still feel bad if it broke. I've had it for almost a year and has been with me on countless occasions.

It's just one of those nights.

Anyways, we continued eating and I can see waiters glancing my way. Like I care!

Finally, we finished dinner. Our next stop was IO KTV for some singing. My vocal chords need some stretching.

IO, here we come!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

One of Those Days

Nothing new. Still here in the office, taking calls but it's a good thing that we don't have much calls for today. And, tomorrow is my restday.

I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Feelin' So Good

I feel great today.


Well, I am alive . It's one miracle that happens everyday that we fail to appreciate. Yep. We get so caught up with our lives and wait for miracles to come by our way. Be it of a dream job, finding Mr. Right (or Miss, whatever the case is), winning the Lottery or whatever it is our hearts desire. Sometimes, the joy of having the chance being around our families, friends and other loved ones doesn't appeal to us anymore. We crave for more. In the process, we lose sight of what's really important and we get so caught up with worldly possessions. You might be wondering why in the name of Merlin (sorry, influence of harry potter lol) am I going mushy about all these stuff...

Hmmm...I just thought of how blessed I am for having the chance to wake up each morning, greet the day with a smile, go to work, and spend time with my family and friends. When I think of all those jobless people, I appreciate my job more. When I complain because my brother annoys me, I stop and think that maybe that's just our way of letting each other know that we care. When I look at myself in the mirror and rant on how fat I am, I realize that I'm one lucky person because I have food to eat and that I'm healthy .

Looking back all those years, I've never thought how kind and giving Jesus has been to me.
In times of difficulty, I reached out to Him. He did not forsake me. When I had no one to turn to, He made sure there was a friend standing nearby to comfort me. When I'm losing hope, something good always happen along the way that gives me encouragement to keep going on.

I got a family. I got lots of really nice and supportive friends. I got a nice job. I got some of the things I want. I don't get frustrated if I still don't have everything I've wanted. It reminds me that I have to strive harder. And that everything will fall into place when the right time comes. I sure got a lot of good things coming my way. I know there'll be more. Problems might weave their way to me but who cares...with all the wonderful people surrounding me, I'll overcome everything. Maybe I wouldn't survive unscathed but those wounds would remind me of how fragile life is.

Life is beautiful. Make the most out of it. Let's start by appreciating little things that make up our life.
It would bring a smile to our face. Just like it did to me today.